The Ultimate Sandbag Dead Bug
Dead bugs are an excellent core strengthening exercise that puts very little pressure on your lower back. When doing a dead bug of any sort the most important cue is to make sure you are pulling into pelvic neutral. This means your belly button is drawn in and your back is as flat to the floor as possible, you know you are doing this wrong if you feel a lot of pressure in your lower back. When adding the Ultimate Sandbag to your upper extremities it also helps engage your lats and glutes as well. In order to make the exercise more challenging simply pull the Sandbag back further over your head towards the ground below. Replace your typical crunches with this great exercise and your back will certainly thank you for it.
How to:
1. Lie face-up with your arms fully extended about your directly over your shoulders holding the Sandbag right over your chest.
2. While holding the Sandbag above your chest grab the Sandbag by the side handles and pull the Sandbag apart as hard as you can.
3. Keeping your belly button drawn in as though you are putting on the worlds tightest jeans extend one leg out at a time, fully exhaling as you bring your leg down.